
My public project code

  • retroTerm: A library for making a UI in the serial terminal of a microcontroller with widgets, mouse support and so on.
  • pimoroniTrackball: A library for the Pimoroni RGBW Trackball breakout.
  • espBoilerplate: A library of boilerplate WiFi code for ESP8266/ESP32 etc. not exciting just typing avoidance.
  • serial2mqtt: A library for connecting to serial2mqtt daemon running on a Raspberry Pi
  • TapCode: A library for taking input in 'tap code' (Prison Morse) on a single button.
  • TrivialRFIDauthorisation: A library for trivial (insecure) RFID authorisation using MIFARE classic/1K in props/games/LARP. This is a wrapper to MFRC522v2 that hides all the detail.

Useful Arduino library resources

My modelled items